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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Covid-19 Testing

FAQ COVID19 Carelife Medical

What is a RT-PCR Nasal Swab Test?

RT-PCR is a method of testing to detect presence of virus using well-established recombinant RNA technology. Taking a sample from nasal or oral passage is one of the ways to do this. The RT-PCR for SARS-CoV-2 was authorized under emergency use by the FDA. Repeat RT-PCR swab testing may be needed if there is a negative result in a person who is at high-risk due to “false negative” result possibility by nasal or oral swab technique. RT-PCR requires advanced testing equipment to process in a formal lab. Results may be available anywhere from one to several days. Despite issues, it is considered the test for diagnosing or confirming Covid-19 virus at this time. The RT-PCR uses RNA to detect virus presence.


Antibody or Serology Testing for Covid-19

What can I expect? In all scenarios, prevention is warranted as per CDC guidelines and state/federal regulations. Here are some examples of test results and what they can mean:

ALWAYS FOLLOW PREVENTIVE MEASURES: Mask, Physical Distancing, and Frequent Hand Washing!!!


CDC Guidelines:

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